
Cristy + Kurt - I Do

On Saturday, I shot an absolutely beautiful wedding for Cristy and Kurt in Palm Beach. It has been great working with this couple, so it was fun to see it all come together on the wedding day. The wedding was coordinated by none other than the super-talented Danielle of Creative Touch Party Design, so I knew that it would be a flawless, stylish affair. I was not disappointed. The details were exquisite. From the moment I entered her bridal suite, Cristy could not stop smiling. The camera just loved her. When she walked down the aisle, you could see the joy on Kurt's face. They danced the night away and had a little left in them at the end of the night for more photos. It was a magical wedding day!

Bride in the tub? Cristy loved the idea almost as much as I did!
The Harriet Theatre looked amazing!

A big thanks to the talented Alejandro Borgese and the very lovely Stephanie Fletcher for their help shooting the wedding.


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Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you that the pictures look amazing! I'm so happy you were there to capture Kurt (my brother) and Cris's big day. I can't wait to see the rest!

Lisa Segura :)

Anonymous said...

The photos are amazing!!! We are so fortunate to have you as our photographer. I cannot wait to see the rest of the photos!!!!

Thank you again for everything. You team was amazing to work with.
