Yes, today is my birthday! I woke up this morning to the most beautiful serenade by my boys. And I used to say that I really didn't care if people made a big deal about my birthday. As the years have gone by, I have realized that I really, really do! I love all the calls, the emails, the cards from all the people that I only hear from about once a year. It is really fun and it's nice to know that people are thinking of you!
Commercial cards are great, but nothing compares to receiving a work of art like this!
This year, my birthday wish (besides the obvious--world peace, an end to poverty and homelessness, lower gas prices) is to hear from you! Let me know that you are out there. Old clients, potential clients, someone I may have met at an event and all you inconspicuous blog stalkers (I admit, I am one too!). Leave a comment, send me an e mail, drop me a line. I would love it!