Melissa and Keith's big day has finally come, and now gone. It was a beautiful wedding in Miami and the "happy couple" was truly one of the happiest couples I have ever worked with. I couldn't turn around without these two giggling and smiling. I had a great time and truly felt a part of the celebration and all the fun!
Keep laughing and keep smiling! Congratulations...I wish you all the best for a lifetime of happiness together!
Blaire and Michael are such a great couple. This is my favorite image from their engagement session because it so beautifully illustrates how warm and sweet and very much in love they are!
Still have holiday photos on your to-do list? Call! There's only 16 days until Christmas. I have a few openings left, but not for long... 305 903 5126
Here is the highly anticipated, long overdue sneak peek of Hilary and Phillip...
I have known Hilary now for years. When she told me they were engaged, naturally I was thrilled for them. When they asked me to photograph their wedding, I was thrilled for me! I knew that they were going to be so laid back and fun to work with...and they were just that. They were married on November 1st at the American Orchid Society in Delray Beach. It was a beautiful ceremony followed by a fun-filled reception. Hilary was more stunning than was as if her dress was designed for her. And Phillip was a very handsome groom. Together, they were obviously so happy and so in love. Not to mention a pleasure to work with!
Thank you to the very talented Stephanie Fletcher, once again, as my fabulous second; Amy Kubik, of, for bringing out Hilary's natural beauty. And much love, thanks and appreciation to my fabulous bride and groom! You two were amazing...thanks for being so patient on these!
The weather is changing, people are smiling and families are seeking out their annual holiday photos...all we need is a little snow!
I had a great time with Riley, Sarah and Parker. Their mom and dad let me bring their gorgeous antique sofa onto their beautifully manicured lawn. It was the perfect scene for this traditonal and artistic family. Not to mention that the kids thought it was really cool. I instantly won points in their book. That, and the sugar made me the photographer of the day!
Mitchell and Ethan are great boys! They are sweet and well-mannered. We had fun together in our short mini session at the park. They played and goofed around and made each other laugh.
I love weather like this! And I hate to be stuck inside at the computer on a day like today. If anyone is up for some fun around town in this perfect weather, CALL ME! If you're willing to be my model, I'm ready to shoot! First caller wins! 305 903 5126 Did I mention this was free!
Take a look at these two...all giggles and fun and full of energy! I love it! We had a great time laughing and playing and running through the fountain! (thanks to a very patient mom and dad for being such great sports!) We had so much fun, can't you tell?
for our Holiday Mini Sessions scheduled for Friday, November 7th. There's just a few openings left, so call soon to reserve your spot for the last mini sessions of the season.
I met little Gideon at the park with his mom and grandma. He just turned 1 and he was very curious about all the things he found there to play know the regular park toys like acorns and twigs. I had a great time with this curly haired cutie!
When people hire me, they invite me into their lives – I take this very seriously, and act as a silent observer and, more often, even a friend. I always take great pride in my work and it is thrilling for me to see the look on someone’s face when I present them with a collection of images. Each opportunity that I am given to tell a story through my photography is a gift. I hope these stories give you a sense of who I am, and my images make you want to come back for more! Please send me an email to tell me more about yourself and what you are looking for!